G-DRG proposal



G-DRG proposal procedure

Assessment and consideration of the G-DRG proposal

The successful further development of the G-DRG system requires the involvement of external medical and scientific expertise. This is made possible by the DRG proposal procedure, which is carried out and evaluated by the InEK on behalf of the Joint Self-Government. The core objective of the self-administration is to find solutions for the G-DRG system on the basis of the “Agreement on the Introduction of a Flat-Rate Payment System”.


Processing of DRG proposals

Once the DRG proposals for the further development of the G-DRG system have been received in due time, the InEK immediately starts processing them. The following steps are followed in the processing of proposals:

  • Assignment of a procedure number
  • Assignment of the proposal number – proposals are considered “accepted” and can now no longer be changed
  • Contacting proposing organizations in case of queries
  • Processing of formally submitted proposals
  • Making decisions – Documenting decisions – Communicating the reasons for considering the proposal to the proposing organization

Publication of G-DRG proposals

After the submission phase has been completed and the proposals have been thoroughly reviewed, they will be published at the end of May.

Publication will take place on the InEK website in the form of an Excel table. Here, all submitted proposals are sorted by

  • Procedure number and submitting institution
  • Submitting institution and procedure number
  • Procedure number together with submitting institution and quintessence

are presented. This publication serves to increase the transparency of the G-DRG proposal procedure.